AYSO-Section 9-Region 198 Home page
Welcome to the Official Section 9 - Region 198 web site.
Well, tournament season is under way. I would like to give a big "Way to Go" to all the girls and boys who tried out for the teams. I would also like to put out a reminder that even though regular season has ended for now, tournament games are no different than regular season play when it comes to enforcing the Kid's Zone. I have heard some talk on the sidelines that is not so positive. Let's try really hard not to voice our opinions about the children while on the field of play or at practices, postive talk towards coaches and the people who volunteer their time. If you have any complaints about someone or something that is going on in the region, please hold on to it and contact the appropriate people so that what ever the problem(s) is/are it can be resolved. Remember we are doing it for the kids.
Starting next season all coaches and referees will be required to hold a certain level of certification. Area referees are needed along with Advanced Coaches. If you have been volunteering for a while and have not moved up in certification, the time to move up is coming.
Sponsors are needed, if anyone would like to help sponsor a Tournamet team, please contact the Regional Commisioner or the Webmaster.
I am hoping that this page will keep everyone more informed, please if you feel that something needs to be added or changed, send some feedback and I will consider it.
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